When the Stars Go Blue
Apr 07, 2007
My trip to Jaipur got derailed today. Plans never materialized and i decided to keep sleeping. It however gave my mom a little leeway to come after me for not (re)organizing my wardrobe. With summers setting in, winter clothes needed bundling up. So was the need to take a stock of the situation of summer accessories. Fortunately, the pile was big enough to last me this season. Otherwise i would have had to go shirt shopping with mommy dear. I don't really mind that, but why bother. I mean, mom, how does my choice of shirt have anything to do with my coming to a shop with you. You know my size and my style. You like shopping more than i do. Why wouldn't you get me something by yourself and shock me, err... i mean surprise me. As it is, how the shirt looks on me is a perception that other people are going to notice and comment on. Not me myself. Right !!!
Anyways, i ended up watching some soccer and Cheatskies grab vital 3 points with a fluke long ranger. Bad day when that happens because dear "Mannu" (as my mom calls them) generally end up messing theirs, and thus screwing the entire joy out of my as it is morose weekends.
I ended up having a nice sumptuous dinner of Gujarati thali, followed by jalebis.
For the uninitiated, jalebis are the round-round spiral things, that are quite sweet, spoil your teeth, end up coloring your shirt with sugar stains, and are made by frying flour dough in oil. I am not an expert chef like my friend hammy who knows the exact recipe for a dosa (yeah hammy, this is a leaf out of your book), so pardon my facts on jalebi if i got them worng. But most importantly, did i tell you that jalebis are orange in color. I think if i gift a kilo of these "Orange" colored sweeties to my boss Mr. AS, he should definitely be in a mood to promote me. You would ask me what has jalebis got to do with promotion. My reply is nothing. You missed the point if you could not decipher where the stress lay ...
Also, it was interesting to note the varied conceptualizations for my multi colored rage (aka my blog here). From words like jhataak, psychedelic, rave to word processors, all participants in the contest get a free ticket to the Blimagine cup. Keep imagining and blogging.
Ciao for now ...
Oh and for those who have had the nerve and guts to read till this line and are still wondering about what the hell in the whole wide world did the post title refer to with regards to the content in here, well, the answer is - "absolutely nothing". Except for being the title of a song written by Ryan Adams and performed by my darling Andrea and Bono, and being my favorite number, the name serves no other purpose.
Welcome to my world of random blogging :-)
nice work of random blogging percy!!!!
about the lounge days.. geez yeah.. its turning into something like that :P
and i really want to sustain it as well :D. But like you said the charm WILL wear off sooner than later.
btw Gujrati Thalis are nice.. the food is sweet :D.
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